Stages of Development

Diamond Alford


According to Freud, the experiences we have as young children shape our personalities. Emphasizing the way our parent interacts with us in our premature years if life. Dividing these early years in life into a period called psychosexual stages.

Psychosexual stages are the five biologically established developmental stages of childhood during which personality characteristics are formed.  

Let’s take a look at this video.

In the video, they discuss the libido, which focuses in a different zone at each phase. Which are called the oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital. 

Oral (Birth to 18 months)

Dependency on caretakers for feeding

Anal (18 months to 3 years) 

New demands for self-control (toilet training, etc.)

Phallic (3 to 6 years) 

Self-worth as reflected by parental interest 

Latency (Elementary school)

No Key Issues

Genital (Puberty and beyond)

Mature and sexual relationships

If our experiences during any of these phases were traumatic we might develop citations later in life, such as dependencies, addiction, and depression.  For instance, in the oral phase, the central sense of security comes from being fed.  The confrontation that would occurs from this is a change in feeding time. Will I get feed the same time I did yesterday?

In the anal phase, the main focus is learning control of the bladders and bowel movements. If a parent applauds their child for an attempt to use the toilet at their own pace, the child would develop a skilled personality and good and equalized relationship with authority. If parents force potty training to early and punish their child for mistakes, that child would acquire an anal-expulsive personality resulting in a incosiderate and rebellious child. 

In the phallic stage, the main focus is on the attraction to the opposite sex parent, but see their same-sex parent as rivals. For boys, it's called the Oedipus complex, which is a childhood experience of desiring their mother and resenting their father. For girls, it's called the Electra complex which is a childhood experience of desiring their father and resenting their mother. 

In the latency stage, the main focus is on school and other tasks that don't necessarily involve any bodily or sexual issues. 

In the genital stage, the main focus is on mature, adult-sexual relationships. In this stage, the personality has already been set. People who have successfully made it through the earlier stages would most likely be successful and those who don't will be fixated. 
In overall I've learned that these stages are very important to have a certain life and if more people knew about these stages, I think parenting would be a lot different then it is now. 

What did you think of think video? Comment below! 


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