
Stages of Development

Diamond Alford   According to Freud, the experiences we have as young children shape our personalities. Emphasizing the way our parent interacts with us in our premature years if life. Dividing these early years in life into a period called psychosexual stages. Psychosexual stages are the five biologically established developmental stages of childhood during which personality characteristics are formed.   Let’s take a look at this video. In the video, they discuss the libido, which focuses in a different zone at each phase. Which are called the oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital.  Oral (Birth to 18 months) Dependency on caretakers for feeding Anal (18 months to 3 years)  New demands for self-control (toilet training, etc.) Phallic (3 to 6 years)  Self-worth as reflected by parental interest  Latency (Elementary school) No Key Issues Genital (Puberty and beyond) Mature and sexual relationships If our experiences during any of these phases were traumatic we might develop citations

What is Personality?

Diamond Alford    Personality  is combination of characteristics or qualities that form a distinctly individual character. In other words, it means the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that make a person extraordinary. But it has been said that personality arises from within the person and can remain consistent throughout life. A person's personality could be easily found in how we describe other traits.       However, there are many definitions of personality. Still, most focus on behavioral patterns and characteristics that eventually can help predict or explain someone's behavior. Think of psychology. In psychology, the definition of personality is a person's tendencies, predispositions, and singular way of interacting with the world to remain stable. Everyone knows that what surrounds you can affect your behavior. Still, psychologists recognize that what is inside you, meaning your personality, strongly influences what you do on the outside an

Psychodynamic Theory

 Diamond Alford Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis The psychodynamic theory of personality is an explanation of personality, based on the ideas of Sigmund Freud, which emphasizes unconscious forces and childhood experiences. Which ultimately began the study of personality. Freud believed that personality was a result of the interaction of three components of the mind: the id, the ego, and the superego. Id The animalist part of the mind that generates our most primal, biologically based impulses such as sex and aggression. Freud believed that each of us is driven by an id that generates impulse just like wild animals such as bears, lions, etc. He also implied that the id is the only component of the mind the is present at birth. Superego The part of the mind that opposes the id by enforcing rules, restrictions, and morality. An example of this would be a child opening snacks at a store may be told disapproving by someone who will tell them to no open things that that they have